Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why Is The Theory Of Separate Powers A Cure To Blocking Factional Control?

                                                                                                                   Josh Rowzee
                                                                                                                    02 October 2015
                                                                                                                    AP Government
                                                                                                                       3rd Period

Well Madison had said that the Constitution and government that they can make strong arguments that can produce violence and damage and it was all caused by factions. And what a faction is that its a group of people who get together and protect political opinions and special economics. And Supporters or opponents of the Federalist can make rival factions. Now there was this French Theorist named Montesquieu’s had said " that the power of government could be controlled by dividing it among separate branches rather than investing it entirely in a single individual or institution." Also all over America his idea of Separation of Powers was appreciated and admired. Also since his idea was so popular once the Revolutionary War had started people had started building a government around his ideal. Also he had made a comment to Federalist No.10 that he said "the mischiefs of factions". Also Federalist No.10 still to this day the finest political essay ever to be wrote because it explains to much.

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