Thursday, February 18, 2016

Charlie Maxwell NBC Article Supreme Court Response

Charlie Maxwell
Ms. Gordon
AP Gov, Period 3
18 February 2016
NBC Article Response Blog Post

  1. The Senate races in 2016 are extremely connected with the Supreme Court vacancy. Whichever political party takes control as of 2016 will have major influence on the replacement of Justice Scalia because, whether Obama or the next United States President suggests the appointment, the proposed justice must pass through the approval of the Senate. If Republicans block a “consensus” nominee proposed by Barack Obama and then the Senate becomes controlled by the Democratic party, Obama may propose an even more liberal Justice than he did before.
  2. Obama’s power is limited right now. However, there are 17 days in November where his power may massively increase. As of now, the party division between Justices is completely even, four liberal and four conservatives. If the Senate becomes controlled by the Democratic party, Obama will have 17 days in which he can appoint a liberal Justice who will most likely then be approved by the Senate. Nonetheless, it is extremely difficult to have a Justice approved in such a short amount of time.
  3. A “lame duck” president is one who suddenly loses much of his power and then cannot pass the legislation and action he would like. Obama may leave as  “lame duck” President depending on whether or not Senate becomes controlled by the Democrats. Regardless of what happens, I believe Obama will use his charisma to still try to convince those around him to take action, even when much of the legislative power will be out of his hands.

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