Emily Agnew
AP U.S. Government & Politics
Ms. Gordon
April 10, 2016
The Hunting Ground Questions
- I believe that there are many triggers to sexual assault on college/university campuses. A main factor is drug and alcohol consumption. College is a place away from parental supervision, so many students take advantage of that and go all out at parties and other social gatherings. When this happens, men become very inclined to take advantage of women under the influence, which leads to sexual assault and rape. I do believe that colleges have to do with this because over time, perpetrators have learned that they can get away with sexually assaulting other students because colleges choose to turn their heads for the sake of the school’s reputation. Also, colleges support fraternities to a very large extent, which is one of the number one places sexual assaults occur.
- Unfortunately, it’s not as easy for justice to be brought to victims as many people probably assume. Universities usually care more about the school’s reputation and statistics than the actual victims. Every student is entitled to Title IX and should advocate if the university fails to bring justice to the case. Perpetrators should be permanently expelled from the institution, as well as be charged and face punishment. Also, they should be recorded on the sex offender permanent record.
- So many students that tried to advocate for themselves and others were harshly put down and shamed. Many girls who came forward were slut-shamed on social media, as well as given death threats. In the Jameis Winston case, his victim was heavily targeted on social media, which caused her to drop out of FSU. When victims build up the strength to come forward and tell an administrator about their experiences, they are constantly asked questions such as “what were you wearing?” Or “how drunk were you?” Many victims are also accused of lying .
- Title IX is an Educational Amendment that was ratified in 1972 that withholds any federal funding to schools and other educational programs that discriminate solely based on gender. Sexual assault ties to Title IX because when victims come forward and tell the schools that they have been sexually assaulted, the school MUST provide a safe and fair environment that brings justice to the victim. If the school fails to meet these requirements, they are violating Title IX by discriminating against the victim, and will be denied funding.
- I think these colleges and universities need to be held more accountable and be put under close watch so they can’t just keep sweeping these cases under the rug. Also, there must be some sort of sexual assault awareness programs implemented at every college to bring awareness to all students on why sexual assault is wrong, what it is, and what can be done to stop it.
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