Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jay Moore - Comparative Govt

Based off of the information presented in the power point, I would say that the two most corrupt countries are China and Iran.  China has the lowest GDP of all countries in the graph, mainly because of their population.  But with the government system they have, it is incredibly hard to rise through social classes and exceed in life.  This is because of communism.  Communism takes away all independence and creates great deals of income inequality.  A neurosurgeon should not be making the same amount of money as a McDonald's manager.  Unfortunately, China’s government is shaped this way that prevents economic independence and promotes corruptibility and income inequality.  Iran is also a corrupt nation.  While they may have a multiparty political system, the power does not lie in the hands of the people.  Government has all of the power and makes decisions without public approval.  Without the connection between politicians and the public, decisions are made that doesn’t benefit anyone.  This is why Iran has one of the lowest GDP’s and HDI’s.  Countries like China and Iran need to have a much more transparent relationship with their citizens if they want to thrive.  The lack of communication and cooperation are the main reasons these countries are among the most corrupt in the world.


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