Friday, August 28, 2015

Anne Hruska's Political Belief

Anne Hruska
US Government and Politics
Ms. Gordon
August 27, 2015
The American public deserves stable support that promotes the advancement of the collective society. Instead of considering government aid a “safety net” it should be re-configured to start a leveled system. The health and human survival of less fortunate citizens should be acknowledged by their better-off counterparts. That being said, those with money are often times very defensive over it due to the work they’ve gone through to get to their current salary; they may not have any interest in aiding the less fortunate people, however, if it is for the common good it's no longer a question of “want”. With slightly more power, the government would then be able to assist those in need while working on redistributing the wealth so that the taxes can go back down to a manageable rate for all people. Currently, there are two extremes, poverty and wealth, many of the American people are lost somewhere between the two inside the middle-class spectrum. All Americans should have an ensured basis of fundamental rights including but not limited to: the right to a free education, the right to speak freely without the fear of retribution/persecution, and lastly the right to pursue the American dream. These three rights build off the fundamental American ideals of self-sufficiency, freedom (of speech), and independent thinking. Creating a stable foundation for all American citizens regardless of if they currently need it or not encourages the forward thinking of people, and introduces that may not have been accessible in a lesser education.

Lucas Rosen's Political Beliefs

Lucas Rosen
AP Gov Per.3

I have a very democratic view on the world. My views have developed through my life experiences, however short they may be, and the influences on me from my family, friends, and environment. In America there are a few strong beliefs which I uphold. I think there should be equal rights for all. This includes all sexes, genders, races, and creeds. This is important because there is still much discrimination going on in America. I also believe that we need revise and control gun laws. However, I am not against the possession of guns. I think that there should be a rigorous standardized system in place in order to help prevent future gun related tragedies. Other rights that I think all Americans should have are the right to marry legally, the right to vote, and the right to speak freely without fear of retribution or persecution. The right to legally marry is important to me because it shows that America is a place of equality, one of my aforementioned beliefs. However, the right to vote is just as important. This is because the right to vote symbolizes that our nation is a democracy where all voices are heard. Freedom of free speech is perhaps the most important of all my beliefs. Free speech allows people to express their ideas no matter how big or small, influential or insignificant, or how politically correct or incorrect. Citizens need to be able to express themselves and be heard because they are what make up the core pillar of any country. Last but not least, Americans should want to sacrifice some of their wealth to help the less fortunate. This is incredibly important because America is the “land of opportunity” and people should be willing to lend a hand to others. In doing so everyone becomes stronger. This is a belief, this does not mean that Americans have to sacrifice some of their wealth but they should want to. Although my views make up who I am and what I believe in today, I am very aware that they can and will change with my maturation.

Jay Moore Political Belief Statement

Jay Moore
Gordon 3
Political Belief Statement

Political Belief Statement

America was meant to be run by the people.  That is why we left England in the first place, the government had too much influence on the lives of the people.  Today in America, the same thing is happening.  And although the government must play a role in our daily lives to some extent, that should be kept at a minimum, and let our people live freely.  Also, the less fortunate in our country need assistance.  And I personally see why wealthy Americans have trouble giving up part of their income to support them, but I also understand why they should.  In addition, everyone should be able to worship whomever, however they please, everyone should have the right to vote, and everyone should have the right to pursue the American dream.

My Political Beliefs- Ryan Monte

Ryan Monte
Mrs. Gordon
AP Government

My political views are very complex and defined, but are also subject to change. As I have grown and matured so have my beliefs. I used to just be a social Liberal because everyone else in my family was and that was the expectation (and of course I had no clue about any fiscal issues). Of course my views now are not as simple. Personally I am still a socially liberal person on most issues, for example I believe in pro-choice and that the government should not mandate a person’s personal health choices. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, I do find myself to be a more fiscally conservative person. My generation is the first generation who is going to have to take the crushing weight of the trillions of dollars in debt we are. That makes me hesitant to just spend money on expensive programs, like defense (although I do believe that defense spending is necessary to maintain our status as the number one world power), and public welfare. As an idea, I do believe that people should give their a small piece of their salary to the general welfare of others, especially if they have more money than most, but if the system of redistribution of that wealth doesn’t work, then it would be unfair to expect someone to be content giving their hard earned money to a system that doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do.  

            Now while I don’t believe that other rights are not important, I believe that the right to free speech, the right to vote, and the right to free education are the most important rights to an American citizen and that embody American principals and ideals the most. Especially participation in government, which I believe isn’t just a right, it is your duty as an American to vote.

Political Belief

Ben Neumann 
AP Gov 

I believe that in america anyone can achieve the american dream if they work hard enough and are given support to get there. The welfare system in america is meant to give support to these people but doesn’t effectivity do so. It should be meant to help boost people out of poverty not allow them to survive using it. Going along with this I believe that everyone should have accesses to free public college so that they have the best chance to succeed. I also believe that we can’t just turn to the rich to provide all the money to help support people that need assistance. It should be everyones responsibly to help these people. I also believe that people should have the right to marry whoever they love and are happy with and everyone should have the right to vote. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Colin Baker Political Beliefs

Colin Baker
AP Gov
My Political Beliefs

            There’s no denying that my personal political stance has been influenced by my parents views but as I’ve grown up I’ve developed my own beliefs. A strong belief I have is in the right to equal opportunity however the reality is that many Americans are born into circumstances that make it much harder for success. While a lot of wealthy Americans point to hard work as the driving force behind their success, statistics show that people born into wealthy families in a good neighborhood will make more money than someone born into tougher circumstances. That’s why I believe American citizens with more wealth should be willing to share a small percentage to try to help those less fortunate. The rights I believe every American should have are the right to a free education, the right to pursue the American Dream, and the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution. I believe the first two go hand-in-hand because when young Americans are unable to get a proper education their right to pursue the American Dream is diminished. The right to speak freely is necessary for if a democracy truly wants to serve the people than it is imperative that citizens are not afraid to voice their opinions.

Charlie Evans Political Belief

Charlie Evans

AP Gov
What Is Your Political Belief

My political beliefs has developed through my own experiences, and through influential people in my life like my parents.  I believe that every American citizen has the right to vote, pursue the American Dream, and a free education.  To make this possible, the wealthier Americans should sacrifice a small portion of their wealth.  For citizens to first achieve the American Dream, a superb education must be provided.  If a free education is available for those who chose to work hard, many more Americans would have the chance to succeed.  I believe that each American citizen should have the right to pursue the American Dream, because every person deserves the chance to be successful.  Being a certain person shouldn’t decide the opportunities that are open to you.  Every American citizen should have the right to vote, because each person's view in America should be respected.  Giving each American citizen the opportunity to vote helps put a leader who will benefit a large part of society into office.  

Nina Kaushikkar's Political Beliefs Statement

Nina Kaushikkar
August 27th, 2015
AP US Government and Politics
Mrs. Gordon, Period 3

What is your political belief?

My political beliefs have developed primarily through my own experiences in addition to the values and ideas that my parents and other influential adults in my life have taught me. It is in my opinion that the government is meant to serve the people by providing them with equal access to a path to success. Because I believe that because many Americans have been born into unequal circumstances, wealthier citizens have an obligation, as a part of a society that believes in equality of opportunity, to help those who are not given the same opportunity to succeed; however, it is not wrong for those affluent citizens to be averse to giving away their wealth, because they are the ones who have worked to earn that money. The most important rights that I believe should be guaranteed to every U.S. citizen are the right to a free education, the right to vote, and the right to marry legally. In terms of guaranteeing a free education, I have been raised to value education very highly; I truly believe that education is a game-changer, providing pathways out of poverty and other hardships. If we are to ensure equal opportunities for every person in this country, education is the best means for doing so. Regarding the right to vote, I think that the most unique quality of a democracy is how each citizen is able to have a voice in government (albeit some more than others), and how the leaders are chosen by the people; for a democracy to survive, each of its citizens must have an opportunity to participate in it equally. Finally, I believe that everyone should have the right to marry legally because marriage is a personal choice and the freedom to love without fear should not be compromised because of the opinions of a few in our government.

Jordi Amaral Political Beliefs Statement

FullSizeRender.jpgJordi Amaral
Gordon 3
Political Beliefs Statement

In pretty much all ways I am heavily a liberal. It is my belief that everyone regardless of race, religion, sexuality, or gender should be given equal rights. No matter one’s sexuality I believe they have the right to marry whoever they wish as I think as humans we have no right to diminish their meaning of love. With all the horrible shootings that have gone around the US recently I have become more and more entrenched in my belief that access to guns needs to be more restricted. The fact that a teenager can get their hands on a gun despite not even being 18 yet is scary to me. On the topic of the 1st amendment I am however a little more uneasy on my feelings. People should be able to say whatever they wish to say… but up to a certain point. I believe if something is racist or homophobic or in anyway demoralizing it should not be said. While it may be met with little support I believe that something needs to be done about situations where demoralizing comments are made. I do not know what exactly it is that could be done, however I feel that it should not go unpunished. Finally, it my strong belief, a belief I could go ranting on about, that the USA is not the world’s caretaker. We need not get into pointless wars, when instead we could be putting that money towards better things, such as helping provide for the lower class.

Quinn Tucker Political Belief

Quinn Tucker
AP US Government
Ms. Gordon
August 27, 2015

              My political beliefs tend to be fairly liberal and I have an interest in politics and current events of the world. This being said I still strongly believe that we should respect someone no matter of their beliefs because it’s simply the right thing to do. Unless someone is simply rude in their expression of their beliefs because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and deserves respect for them. This being said there are a few topics, such as equality, in which respect can waver. I personally believe that Americans with means should sacrifice in order to pay for the less fortunate and honestly they should be paying more than they are now. However, the welfare system needs some serious restructuring and more work towards helping people who rely on welfare to rise above their personal situations. I also believe we should move towards free healthcare and free college education.   Regardless of your background I value the right to marry legally, the right to free education, and the right to vote. Equality is a no brainer in my opinion and the right to marry is so important. Marriage equality is a huge step but we still have a long way to go in protecting the rights of the people. In order to compete in the America education is a must so we need to provide free and equal opportunity for everyone. Lastly, the right to vote is the only personal power we have to effect the way our country functions as individuals and we deserve to have a say in how our country functions as long as that belief is fair. 

Emily Agnew Political Belief

Emily Agnew
AP Gov. & Politics
Ms. Gordon

               I believe that those American citizens that are wealthy should want to sacrifice a small percentage in order for other less fortunate citizens to benefit from healthcare, legal services, and cost of living pay increases. I feel that in America, the upper class should share with the less fortunate because it can't really hurt the wealthy to give a small percentage of their wealth, but by giving that small amount, it can go such a long way for someone that is truly in need. So many people in America live below the poverty line, and suffer on an everyday basis. By giving just a small sum of money, it can help so much. 
               Every American citizen should have the right to free education, the right to pursue the American Dream, and the right to worship as one pleases regardless of age, creed, color, religious affiliation or sex. America is the land of opportunity. By giving every U.S. citizen access to free education is extremely necessary to succeed, and to better our country. America is all about equal rights as well. Statistics show that children born into upper middle-upper class families have more access to education and go on to better colleges, jobs, and in the long run make more money than the less fortunate. If we grant everyone free education, everyone will have that equal opportunity to succeed and educate themselves. This brings me to my next point, which is that everyone should be able to live the American Dream. No matter where you come from or who you are, you should be able to pursue anything and everything if you put in the effort. America is made up of so many different kinds of people so it shouldn't matter who you are, it should matter that you have the opportunity to succeed. As stated in the First Amendment, anyone has the freedom of religion. America is a place that is made up of immigrants. With immigrants, comes many types of religions. It is critical that any U.S. citizen can practice any religion they want. 

Alex Moore Political Beliefs

Alex Moore
August 28th, 2015
Period 3
An Equal America

I have a very strong belief in equality and fairness. These beliefs are very prominent in my political opinions. I think everybody, no matter what race, social class, and gender should have opportunities to succeed. I know in the world that we live not everyone will experience the same amount of opportunities whoever, everybody should have some sort of chance. I think that American citizens who have more wealth should want to sacrifice a small percentage in order for other less fortunate citizens to benefit from healthcare, legal services, and cost of living pay increases. There are tons of people in need of some extra assistance, wealthy people should be willing to help get these people onto their feet. I think everyone's voice should be heard. Everyone should be allowed to vote. Voting allows people to voice their opinion and have a say in decisions. Everyone should have a chance to be successful. This means everyone should have a right to free education. This would lead to people from all backgrounds becoming successful. All people in America should be able to pursue the American Dream. This is an amazing way of life that leads to success and happiness.

Kenneth Martin

My belief is that the United States government exists to make the lives of its people better. It should do this by ensuring that all citizens are safe and given equal treatment and opportunity. This means that the government should focus on improving the lives of Americans who are less privileged so that their needs are provided for and have the same opportunity for success as those who were born into wealth and privilege. This also involves strongly protecting people's’ rights, including the rights to vote, employment, and a free education; and strict legal regulations against discrimination and mistreatment. I believe that this role applies outside the government as well. Privileged people should always advocate for marginalized people and use their power to help them.

Malachi Clark Political Belief

Malachi Clark
AP U.S. Government and Politics
Mrs. Gordon
August 27, 2015

My political beliefs have developed through my observation of my parents and other prominent adults in my life own political beliefs. I have taken ideas and disagreed with others that they may have and established my own stance. I believe that all Americans are equal but have not been born into equal circumstances and because this is the case we should all be accountable in lifting each other up as americans and as humans. Because of this I believe that the more wealthy should be not just okay with but ecstatic to sacrifice a small percentage of their income to help the less fortunate receive the kind of care that all people should have access to anyways. Three values that I believe every American citizen should have are the right to seek freely without fear of retribution or persecution, the right to a free education and also the right to employment and a livelihood. Without the ability to speak freely without having some kind of consequence would set us back as people because controversial topics which in turn are often the most important topics would never get discussed or resolved. The american education system may be flawed in many ways but it is and will probably be the easiest tool to aid in getting employment, the only problem with it is the fact that post high school education is usually expensive and many people can not afford to explore it. I believe that all people should have free access to this to help in building a more equitable society. Lastly I believe that all Americans should have the right to employment because this is almost the sole facilitator to providing for ones self and their family.

Kawveh Alagheband Political Belief Statement

Kawveh Alagheband
AP US Government
Mrs. Gordon
August 27, 2015
My Political Belief

My political beliefs mostly come from the opinions of my parents, which I have accumulated as I have been growing up. However, still some of my thoughts and opinions come from myself and stem away from some of the thoughts that my parents might think. I believe that American citizens who are able to sacrifice some of their wealth without sacrificing their lives, should give part of their wealth to the less fortunate so those people who can't pay for basic needs like healthcare and other costs of living. I think this because people who live in poverty are an increasingly harder time getting themselves out of this hole of poverty. So, in order to help these people and better our country, we should give part of our wealth, if we can afford it, to those who need it. Rights of American citizens, including health care and the right to life and the pursuit of happiness, includes many other things despite age, race or creed; such as the right to free education, to pursue the American Dream, to worship who they please, within certain boundaries, and the right to speech without persecution. These are all things people in America should have despite who they are altogether. However, there are certain rights that need previous maturing and education in order to earn. The right to vote, own property and be employed are all things that need to be earned not just given because children and people who aren't mature don't have enough intelligence to vote or thrive in a society because of their age or maturity.

Charlie Maxwell Political Belief Statement

Charlie Maxwell Political Belief Statement
As an American citizen I believe that the government should help to serve the people to the best of its ability in order to try and level the playing field. Each American is born into a different level of privilege. I believe it is the government's job to provide every young American with the opportunity to thrive. Some Americans receive head starts, the government must aid the less fortunate in order to decrease the gap between starting points, starting with education. Capitalism is fueled by competition. Without the aid of the government, those not born into privilege are playing in an already rigged game. This responsibility falls not only on the American government, but on the American citizens with the wealth. Every American should have the right to employment, the right to free education, and the right to pursue the American Dream, because without these things, there is no United States of America.

Nadav Schoenberg My Poltical Beliefs

Nadav Schoenberg
Gordon 3
Political Belief Statement

Our American government should be there to help the citizens of the United States. However people have the right to live their lives without interference from the government. Sometimes it seems that the government tries to hard to regulate the lives of Americans. While the wealthy should pay more taxes in order to help the poor it should not be necessary. As Americans, the wealthy should have a moral obligation to help less fortunate citizens to benefit from government programs and other services that are important to living in the US, but they should not be obligated by law as generally they have worked hard to be in the fortunate situation they are in. All US citizens should have the right to vote. While one vote does not swing a direction, citizens have the right to choose who they want affecting their lives in the government. Also all should have the right to marry legally no matter their sexuality. Love is love and all should be able to solidify that love through the meaningful bond of marriage. Finally all deserve the right to freedom of speech without fear of consequences. All deserve the right to voice their opinions if they do not threaten the safety of any people. Without this right, America’s “claim to fame” of freedom for all would be misleading .

Adaora Ekwunife

Adaora Ekwunife
August 24th, 2015
AP Gov/Politics
Ms. Gordon
Political Belief
I believe that the government should serve the people. I believe that welfare programs should be provided to the people who need it. American citizens should be treated equally. American  citizens who have more wealth should want to sacrifice a small percentage in order for other less fortunate citizens to benefit from healthcare, legal services and cost of living pay increases. Three values that every American citizen should have regardless of age, creed, color, religious affiliation or sex are the right to vote, the right to employment/ a livelihood, and the right to pursue the American Dream.

Karin Komiyama

Karin Komiyama
A.P U.S Gov/Politics
Mrs. Gordon
What is Your Political Belief?

My political belief is that every American citizen should have the right to live in freedom, to have all human/civil rights as long as their actions don’t cause harm to anyone. Freedom of speech and religion does not create grounds to harm or offend others. I believe that the government should set up a cleaner, more straightforward system of welfare to better serve the people, instead of having a jumble of similar programs. Americans should want to help those in need of benefits. Sometimes, people are put in financially difficult situations that they can’t help. Helping the less fortunate is a moral that should be instilled into everyone at an early age. Every American should have the right to employment/livelihood, to a free education, and to vote. Of course, there are many more values that citizens have a right to claim, but these three core values are the most important for a stable life.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Vivi Casey
Aug 26, 2016
AP Gov/ Politics
Gordon, Per 3
What is your political belief?

My political beliefs have become very dynamic over the years, considering that I am extremely interested in American politics and issues present in our society. The welfare crisis specifically is an issue that I have become interested in and taken a specific stance on it. In terms of morality, I believe that upper class members should sacrifice part of their wealth to help those less fortunate. However, I do not necessarily believe that it is wrong for those same upper class people to be reluctant to share their wealth, considering they are the ones who are earning the money. Three specific values that I believe every American should have the right to is the right to marry legally, the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/prosecution, and the right to vote. In terms of the right to marry legally, I have been raised as a person who thinks openly about love. I have been affected by people who are not in traditional relationships and I do not see the reason why people would be so reluctant to let marry who they want. In terms of having the right to speak freely, I believe that communication and speech is one of the most important aspects of a society because without it, problems would be left unsaid as well as unfixed. Speech is a very important part of revolution and change. Lastly, the right to vote is an important American right because without giving everyone an equal chance to vote and express their beliefs and desires, the political system would remain unbalanced and create an unhappy/unstable society.