Friday, August 28, 2015

My Political Beliefs- Ryan Monte

Ryan Monte
Mrs. Gordon
AP Government

My political views are very complex and defined, but are also subject to change. As I have grown and matured so have my beliefs. I used to just be a social Liberal because everyone else in my family was and that was the expectation (and of course I had no clue about any fiscal issues). Of course my views now are not as simple. Personally I am still a socially liberal person on most issues, for example I believe in pro-choice and that the government should not mandate a person’s personal health choices. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, I do find myself to be a more fiscally conservative person. My generation is the first generation who is going to have to take the crushing weight of the trillions of dollars in debt we are. That makes me hesitant to just spend money on expensive programs, like defense (although I do believe that defense spending is necessary to maintain our status as the number one world power), and public welfare. As an idea, I do believe that people should give their a small piece of their salary to the general welfare of others, especially if they have more money than most, but if the system of redistribution of that wealth doesn’t work, then it would be unfair to expect someone to be content giving their hard earned money to a system that doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do.  

            Now while I don’t believe that other rights are not important, I believe that the right to free speech, the right to vote, and the right to free education are the most important rights to an American citizen and that embody American principals and ideals the most. Especially participation in government, which I believe isn’t just a right, it is your duty as an American to vote.

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