Thursday, August 27, 2015

Emily Agnew Political Belief

Emily Agnew
AP Gov. & Politics
Ms. Gordon

               I believe that those American citizens that are wealthy should want to sacrifice a small percentage in order for other less fortunate citizens to benefit from healthcare, legal services, and cost of living pay increases. I feel that in America, the upper class should share with the less fortunate because it can't really hurt the wealthy to give a small percentage of their wealth, but by giving that small amount, it can go such a long way for someone that is truly in need. So many people in America live below the poverty line, and suffer on an everyday basis. By giving just a small sum of money, it can help so much. 
               Every American citizen should have the right to free education, the right to pursue the American Dream, and the right to worship as one pleases regardless of age, creed, color, religious affiliation or sex. America is the land of opportunity. By giving every U.S. citizen access to free education is extremely necessary to succeed, and to better our country. America is all about equal rights as well. Statistics show that children born into upper middle-upper class families have more access to education and go on to better colleges, jobs, and in the long run make more money than the less fortunate. If we grant everyone free education, everyone will have that equal opportunity to succeed and educate themselves. This brings me to my next point, which is that everyone should be able to live the American Dream. No matter where you come from or who you are, you should be able to pursue anything and everything if you put in the effort. America is made up of so many different kinds of people so it shouldn't matter who you are, it should matter that you have the opportunity to succeed. As stated in the First Amendment, anyone has the freedom of religion. America is a place that is made up of immigrants. With immigrants, comes many types of religions. It is critical that any U.S. citizen can practice any religion they want. 

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