Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Game Change Response Ryan, Kawveh, Ben, Alex

Game Change Response
Image result for sarah palin trump endorsement
Gov. Palin’s Press Secretary- Ben
Governor Sarah Palin is something else! No one else can gather a crowd and entertain them as well as Sarah. She is beloved by many and takes pride on being like her supporters, having multiple kids and being a hockey mom! Some of her opponents claim she does not understand foreign policy after the her interviews. To that I would say that the news can make even the smartest candidates look dumb when they are surprised and ambushed with questions. Along with that I knew she would do great in endorsing Donald Trump. She Riled up the crowd and made them love her again and gave the future President  of the United States a endorsement that will Make America Great Again!

Senator McCain’s Campaign Manager- Kawveh
As Senator McCain’s Campaign Manager, my opinion is seriously considered when thinking about candidates, especially for Vice President. When Sarah Palin was brought up, she was an amazing pick, but on only paper. She was “firecracker” that could have changed the campaign for the best. However, since the vet was so shallow and quick, we did not get the full view of who she actually was. She turned out to be one of the worst candidates that could have been on the ticket. She never knew what she was talking about. Also, when she did do well on an interview or debate, she became too self centered and acted like this election was for her, no McCain. When she wasn’t having a complete mental breakdown, she would make herself seem that she was running for president despite her complete lack of knowing anything about literally anything. The only way she could have been beneficial to the McCain Campaign, is if she was an Obama’s campaign.

Donald Trump- Ryan
Sarah Palin an amazing women who I deeply respect. She has enthusiasm and the guts to say what needs to be said without being caught up in how “politically correct” it is. In many ways I see myself in her. Not only has she many times stuck it to the establishment about building costly bridges and shut down congress on that, but she made Alaska money off a state, not federally, funded natural resources project which included a pipeline through the state into Canada and to the mainland. She's a firecracker with a lot of heart and I am honored to be endorsed by her.

A Citizen of the State of Alaska- Alex
Since I have been a resident of Alaska for my entire life, I have a strong sense of Alaskan pride. Sarah Palin was one of the best things that ever happened to our state. You betcha she was! When she was mayor of my town Wasilla, she cut my property taxes by 75%. She was god sent. But, when she became the Vice Presidential nominee she abandoned us. She forgot all about us in little Alaska. She has lost who she truly is. When I watched her endorsement of Donald Trump, I didn’t recognize her. She was a completely different person. I’m disappointed at the person she became.


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