Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Media Reflection Assignment: Jordi and Nadav


*Trump and his campaign team sit down with Governor Palin’s press secretary at the local Applebees*  
Trump’s campaign manager: “We’re really excited to have Sarah on board in this campaign.”
Donald Trump: “Yeah, she’s a really interesting candidate. I’m considering her as a potential  vice presidential candidate.”
*Alaskan citizen turns and leans over the booth*
Alaskan Citizen: “Sorry I was snoopin’, I couldn't contain my excitement of seeing such a pristine gentleman. Governor Palin would be perfect. Look how well she ran Alaska. Alaska is like a mini America. That would be so flippin’ cool.”   
Trump: “Alaska’s a freaking cool place. I'm considering building one of my courses over here.
Did you know that Alaska has almost no Muslim citizens? Only true hard working Americans!”
Gov. Palin’s press secretary: “Well now if Sarah would agree to being vice president we would have to be promised that she wouldn’t be treated like when she was in the McCain campaign.”
*Alaskan citizen intervenes once again*
Alaskan Citizen: “Well ya know I would vote for Sarah in a flippin second. You bet your bottom dollar I’d be the first at the voting booth. You betcha!"
Trump campaign manager: “Now if we do choose Governor Palin, we must work on her speaking. Some voters believe she is just rambling. Her endorsement speech was a little...confusing.”
Trump: Oh you can’t blame her for that, it's just a woman thing.”
Trump’s campaign manager: Donald! We've talked about this! You can't say crap like that so close to the election!”
Trump: I say what I want when I want to say it. I miss the good old days when the people with the money did all the talking. We need to make America great again!”
Alaskan CItizen: You Betcha!

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