Characters: Donald Trump, Sarah Palin's Press Secretary, Sen. McCain's former campaign manager, and an Alaskan citizen.
Press Secretary: Congratulations, Mr. Trump, on your endorsement from former Governor Palin, and thank you for hosting her at your rally. I am confident that Ms. Palin will continue to serve this great nation in her new capacity as a part of your campaign, as she has in the past.
Press Secretary: Congratulations, Mr. Trump, on your endorsement from former Governor Palin, and thank you for hosting her at your rally. I am confident that Ms. Palin will continue to serve this great nation in her new capacity as a part of your campaign, as she has in the past.
Donald Trump: Thank you, Ms. Schmitt. I know I made the right decision (as I always do), and you can be sure to expect to see her throughout my campaign. Ms. Palin is a smart, resourceful, and charismatic (if not attractive) woman, and she will be a great asset throughout this journey.
Citizen: Congratulations, Mr. Trump. So what specific aspects of your policies does Ms. Palin support?
Donald Trump: Well, as Ms. Palin has said before she loves most of them with a great appreciation for the campaign, for the policies.
Citizen: Can you name any specific policies?
Donald Trump: Really, she supports all of them, any of them.
Donald Trump: I now have to return to the important work of serving the people of America: namely, by informing them that I will not be participating in the Fox News debate on Thursday, January 28th. I don’t need to debate; everyone knows I’m always right.
Citizen: You know what, this is boring. I want to go home. I already know that I will be voting for The
Donald; Ms. Palin cannot be wrong in her decisions. After all, she is a hockey mom, like me! She is the one who truly understands my struggles.
Donald; Ms. Palin cannot be wrong in her decisions. After all, she is a hockey mom, like me! She is the one who truly understands my struggles.
Donald Trump and citizen exit
Campaign Manager (addressing the Press Secretary): How on Earth do you still support her? While I won’t deny that she boosted the charisma of the McCain campaign, her...lack of knowledge, to put it lightly, about a great deal of topics eventually did more harm than good to the integrity of our campaign.
Press Secretary: Ms. Palin did indeed work incredibly hard for Sen. McCain, supporting him an incredible amount, and willingly sacrificing her personal life to fulfill her duty towards her fellow citizens.
Campaign Manager: We didn’t always have her support. She sometimes would disagree with Senator McCain, and cause trouble by going rogue. Additionally, making some sacrifices is necessary in this business.
Press Secretary: The point that you’re trying to make is??
Campaign Manager: Having worked closely with Ms. Palin, would you say that there is no chance for her to pull a McCain?
Press Secretary: A McCain?!
Campaign Manager: Let me rephrase: can Sarah Palin run Mr. Trump’s campaign into the ground?
Press Secretary: NO! Ms. Palin is quite a knowledgeable and competent politician. She can even name all fifty states (and their capitals)! And that being said, I don’t think anything can truly stop The Donald at this point. Everything he does is met with a greater number of followers; he has been the most popular candidate throughout the race. Sarah Palin’s popularity among the base will only boost this success.
Campaign Manager: Well, good luck with your faulty, ill-informed hopes and dreams. I sincerely wish you well with all of your the political realm.
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